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Van điều áp Gas COPRIM ITALY Reduction Stations

SKU: 1525

- Free home delivery in Hanoi city, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang city. (For orders above 10,000,000 VND, customers pay in advance and the volume is under 3kg)

- Free home delivery in the Northern provinces (For orders above 10,000,000 VND, customers pay in advance and the volume is under 3kg)

- Other provinces, please contact directly with phone number 0913 538 555 - Mr Tuan to be supported for fastest and most economical delivery.

See product details
Price: Contact
Available If you buy according to the project, please contact 0913 538 555 for more details
Please refer to shipping charges (*)

+ 1668 people have viewed this product
+ You can pay by cash or bank transfer
+ Free home delivery in Hanoi City, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang City. (Applicable to orders over 1000,000 VND, customers pay in advance and the volume is under 3kg)
         + Free home delivery in the northern provinces from Thanh Hoa back out. (Applicable to orders over 5000,000 VND, customers pay in advance and the volume is under 3kg)
         + Other provinces and cities please contact Mr Tuan directly - 0913 538 555 to be supported for fastest and most economical delivery.


Product details


Cod. 4.01.05
P1 = 0,5 ÷ 8 bar P2 a richiesta - on request - sur demande
In according with Atex Normative
Conformité aux normes ATEX

modulo H - H1
Garanzia di Qualità Totale

Q = 75 ÷ 170 mc/h
in funzione della pressione di ingresso e uscita
it depends on the inlet and outlet pressure
ça dépend de la pression d’entrée et de sortie
dimensionare la tubazione di
valle per velocità max 10 m/s
dimension downstream pipe
for max speed 10 m/s
dimensionner les tuyaux en
aval pour vitesse max 10 m/s

Pos. Descrizione Description Description DN PN
1 Valvola a sfera Vanne sphérique Ball valve 1" 40
2 Filtro a cartuccia G 0,5 “Coprim” Filtre à cartouche Cartridge filter 1” - 1" 16
3 Riduttore di pressione “Coprim Alfa 20” Detendeur Gas regulator 1” - 1”1/2 16
4 Manometro Ø 60 Manomètre Pressure gauge 1/4” -
5 Rubinetto a spillo in acciaio Robinet à aiguille Needle valve 1/4” 40
6 Valvola a sfera di spurgo Vanne sphérique Ball valve 1/4” 40
7 Valvola di blocco max pressione Soupape de sécurité OPSO OPSO shut off valve - -
Valvola di sfioro incorporata nel riduttore - Soupape de surpression incorporé au detendeur - Relief valve inside regulator


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